CHABREY Dominique - Switzerland - 1610 - 1667

CHABREY Dominique From Geneva, he dedicated himself in Switzerland and Paris to advanced studies in medicine and botany. He practiced medicine at Yverdun and, at the same time, edited botanical publications, in particular, the famous work by J. Bauhin, Historie des plantes, on which Chabrey collaborated. It has been said of Chabrey that he was not gifted in scientific botany, but he is competent in describing new plants.

Main work: Stirpium icones et sciagraphia, Genevae Gamoneti et La Pierre 1666.

Botanical interests: His work Stirpium icons et sciagraphia (1666) is nothing other than a re-elaboration of the work he had edited together with Bauhin, noteworthy for its herbal novelties and important graphically for the original presentation of the floral images. "Nomina, figura, natura et synonyma" are magisterially listed and described. He also wrote the Omnium Stirpium (1677).